Buffalo Cold Spring Precinct 23 Bulletin, 1971

[Partially shown]
Burroughs contributes the complete issue as Editor-in-chief “William Lee”, layout by Brion Gysin as “Brion Gys”.  Also assisted by Mary Beach, Eric Mottram, Claude Pélieu, and Carl Weissner, Allen De Loach. 

Published in New York City by Intrepid Press in 1971.

As noted in Shoaf: "A note on verso of title page reads in part '…actually evolved out of various letters the author [DeLoach] was writing concurrently to William Burroughs, Brion Gysin…' Burroughs’ Dr. Benway character appears in several of the pieces but it is not clear how much input Burroughs had in the final text."

This was imagined as "the first in a new series of (experimental) publications from INTREPID," so could really fall into either category, periodicals or books. The form is more book-like than periodical-like, to note.

Bibliographic Information:

  • Not in M&M
  • Shoaf III.175
  • Schottlaender v4.G24
  • Raven 19710000BCSP.0.0, b7
Contents are more-or-less continual and undifferentiated.

Publishing Information:
  • Correspondent: Alain De Loach [Allen De Loach]
  • Editor-in-Chief: William Lee [William S. Burroughs]
  • Managing Editor: Joan Ford
  • Undercover Correspondent: Karen Paulson
  • Lay-out [sic] Manager: Brion Gys [Brion Gysin]
  • Silent Grey Insurrectionists: Mary Bea [Mary Beach], Eric Mott [Eric Mottram], Claude Pel [Claude Pélie], Carl Weiss [Carl Weissner]


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