Insurgent Imagination, Issue 1 ("Robert Branaman Edition"), Spring 2024
Includes a photo of Burroughs on page 17, and reproductions of the "Report of the Death of an American Citizen" pertaining to the shooting of Joan Vollmer Burroughs at pages 18-19.
This issue is centered around the art and life of Robert Branaman, and has a number of hand-annotations by poet/publisher/artist Charles Plymell, most initialed. Charles Plymell has also signed his name at a couple of his photographs in this issue and at his contributed poem "Rapid Ronnie Rap Back Jive Kansas 1955", p.113.
This was published in Canyon Country, California by Mystic Boxing Commission in Spring of 2024.
This copy was acquired as a gift from Charles Plymell.
Bibliographic Information:
- Raven 20240400IIMA.0.1
Selected Contents:
- Robert Branaman:
- cover art
- "Moon & Sun Review" cover art
- artwork
- poster art
- self-portraits (photos)
- "Fux!" cover art
- "Dial-a-date" (art)
- Big Sur art show flyer
- "For G" (poetry)
- "Poem for Ginny" (poetry)
- "An Afternoon Painter" (poetry)
- "A Bright Star You Are" (poetry)
- "Kiss the Ground" (poetry)
- "short poem for a Radiant Sunflower" (poetry)
- "Full of Shunyata" (poetry)
- "A Poem for Michele" (poetry)
- "Hankie Pankie" (poetry)
- "Not a Love Poem" (poetry)
- "I Know I Am Growing Old" (poetry)
- "Her Last Orgasm" (poetry)
- "Her Final PMS That Was the Killer" (poetry)
- "Calm Abiding" (poetry)
- "A New Year" (poetry)
- "Tuesday, July 4, 2006" (poetry)
- "Lockdown" (art)
- x359594: "Letter from the Editor" (editorial)
- Adam Cornford:
- "El Niño Night" (poetry)
- "Not Benjamin's Angel" (poetry)
- Roque Dalton:
- "On Headaches" (poetry)
- "Spite" (poetry)
- "The Warrior's Resting Place" (poetry)
- liftarm: illustration
- Hannah Yaryan:
- collage
- photographs
- "Greetings from Missile Command" (collage)
- "Double Feature" (collage)
- "Quiz on Death" (poetry)
- "Révolte Intergalactique" (collage)
- "Wichita Whoh!" (collage)
- "Bob on the Go!" (collage)
- M. L. de Witt:
- "The Ghost of a Beatnik Which Can Also be Used as a Table" (poetry)
- "Tanka for my friend Branaman" (poetry)
- Jerry Kamstra: illustration
- Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin: "Police Death Squads" (essay)
- Michael C. Ford: "A Selected Passage from an Essay Entitled: The Beat-Up Generation" (essay)
- American Foreign Service: "Report of the Death of an American Citizen" (on the shooting of Joan Vollmer Burroughs)
- William Blake: "A Destroying Deity" (art)
- Annie Jane-Wilder: "Untitled" (poetry)
- Shem [Jerry Kamstra]:
- "Sphere" (painting)
- art
- M. L. Liebler:
- "Magpie's Nest in Winter Tree in Kings Cross" (poetry)
- "The Strangeness of the Self in Bloom" (poetry)
- Theo van Doesburg: "Composition IX" (art)
- T, Mike Walker:
- collages
- "Reaching for the Stars" (collage)
- "Glassmates" (collage)
- Peter Marti: "Three Poems" (poetry)
- K. R. Morrison:
- "to that child hiding in the bomb shelter" (poetry)
- "Midsummer Communion" (poetry)
- "Hourglass" (poetry)
- Daniel O. Wtolpe: "Coyote Doesn't Want to Listen" (monotype)
- Luna: art
- Marc Olmsted:
- "Tong-Len for Kissinger" (poetry)
- "The Vortex of Robert Branaman" (essay)
- "Astro-Man" (poetry)
- Suzi Kaplan Olmsted: "Fossilized Baby Fist" (poetry)
- Vira Sofia Pitofska: "Rescue" (prose)
- Rob Plath: "birthday poem" (poetry)
- Doren Robbins: "Fend" (poetry)
- Scott Wannberg: "when the time for leaving left us a note" (poetry)
- Christopher Felver: photograph
- S. A. Griffin and Robert Branaman: "You Are What You Think" (interview)
- Anne Buchanan: photograph
- Jerry Kamstra: "Vintage ad art"
- Wallace Berman: "Narcotica" (cover art)
- Danile O Stolpe: "Coyote's Ecstacy [sic]" (art)
- Charles Plymell:
- photographs
- "Rapid Ronnie Rap Back Jive Kansas 1955" (poetry)
- Richard Messenger: photograph
- Goldberry Samp: "I Want to Write About My Dad" (essay)
- S. A. Griffin:
- photograph
- "Rapid Ronnie Rides West" (poetry)
- John Dorsey: essay
- Milo Starr Johnson:
- "Facebook Post of Bob Branaman" (essay)
- "Happy Birthday, Dear Bob!" (poetry)
- Walter Chappell: photograph
- Richard Modiano: "Bob Branaman Painter & Poet" (poetry)
- Frank R. Paul: art
- Mike Street: art
Publishing Information:
- Publisher/Designer: Daniel Yaryan
- Editor: x359594
- Featured Artist: Robert Branaman
- Associate Editor: S. A. Griffin
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