Beat Scene, Issue 99, Winter [Late] 2020

Minor Burroughs content. There are mentions and light discussion of Burroughs in Kit Knight's "Tuvoti Memories... 1976-1985", pp. 20-27, and in Gregory Stephenson's review of Jim Welton's "Mack Thomas: The Total Beat", pp. 58-59. More interesting is the section "Mack Thomas and Burroughs on the Bowery" at the end of page 59.

Published in Binley Woods, England by Beat Scene Press in late 2020.

This copy was acquired from Third Mind Books (Ann Arbor, MI.)

Bibliographic Information: 

  • Not in Schottlaender (v5)
  • Raven 20201200BSCE.0.99
Selected Contents: 
  • Kevin Ring: 
    • "First Words" (editorial)
    • "Jack Kerouac... Coming Soon?" (essay)
    • "The Frank O'Hara and Jack Kerouac Living Theater Fiasco" (essay)
    • review of Neal Cassady: The Joan Anderson Letter
    • on Poetry Review, Volume 4, Number 61, Winter '71/'72
    • review of Phil Maillard's Even Clouds are Geniuses: Bill Wyatt – His Life and Work
  • Charles Shuttleworth: "'Homeless Brother': Kerouac's Spiritual Isolation, Winter 1955-'56" (essay)
  • John Shapcott: "Bea Franco" (essay)
  • Reggie Hands: "Lewis Warsh 1944-2000 [sic]" (memorial)
  • V. J. Eaton: "The Unspeakable Visions of the Individual: The Ascendancy of a Beat Lit Small Press" (essay, bibliography)
  • Kit Knight: "Tuvoti Memories... 1976-1985" (essay)
  • Fred McDarrah: photographs
  • Walter Goodman: "The New York Times, Wednesday, April 16, 1986" (essay)
  • Ann Charters: "Annotating Allen Ginsberg and Barry Miles' The Annotated Howl" (essay)
  • Jim Burns: "No Pie in the Sky: The Hobo as American Cultural Hero" (essay)
  • James McMahen and John Allen Cassady: "This Is It, Kid!: An Interview with John Allen Cassady" (interview)
  • Dawn Swoop: "Jack Kerouac, Northport, 1964" (essay)
  • Kurt Hemmer: "Diane di Prima Was New York Tough" (memorial/photograph)
  • David Meltzer and Diane di Prima: "Diane di Prima: An Interview" (interview)
  • Michael Kearns: review of Gregory Corso Collected Plays
  • Colin Cooper: review of In the Rebel Cafe: Interviews with Ed Sanders, edited by Jennie Skerl
  • Gregory Stephenson: 
    • review of Jim Welton's Mack Thomas: The Total Beat
    • "Mack Thomas and Burroughs on the Bowery" (essay)
Publishing Information: 
  • Editor: Kevin Ring
  • Deputy Editor: Jim Burns
  • Research: Erin Ring and Pauline Reeves
  • Beat Scene in the USA: Richard Miller


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