Abraxas: International Journal of Esoteric Studies, Issue 2 ("Luminous Screen: The Influence of the Esoteric in Cinema"), Winter 2014
Jon Crabb contributes “Experiments in Film and Magic: The Phantasmagoria of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin”, pp. 37-48, to this issue edited by Jack Sareant.
There are additional mentions of Burroughs and Gysin in Jack Sargeant’s introduction, in Denah A. Johnston’s “The Devil Made Me Do It: The Innovation and Influence of Benjamin Christensen’s Häxan” (at page 24), and scattered in Jack Sargeant’s essay “Transmissions and Expansions: Occult Cinema and Public Ritual”.
Published in Lopen, Somerset, England by Fulgur Limited in Winter of 2014.
Bibliographic Information:
- Not in Schottlaender (v4, v5)
- Raven 20140100ABRA.0.2
- Jack Sargeant:
- "Introduction: Haunted Cinema and Sacred Communication"
- "Transmissions and Expansions: Occult Cinema and Public Ritual" (essay)
- Leon Marvell:
- "Nosferateau Daemonium: A Cinematographic Grimoire" (essay)
- "Hellraiser: Tantric Noir" (essay)
- Denah A. Johnston: "The Devil Made Me Do It: The Innovation and Influence of Benjamin Christensen's Häxan" (essay)
- John Cline: "Loa of the Avant-Garde: Maya Deren in Haiti" (essay)
- Jon Crabb: "Experiments in Film and Magic: The Phantasmagoria of William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin" (essay)
- Judith Noble: "The Light Behind the Lens: The Occult Cinema of Kenneth Anger" (essay)
- Michael Spann: "Holiest of Mountains"
- William Fowler: "In the Tradition of Magic: The Cinema of Derek Jarrman" (essay)
- Anthony Buchanan and Craig Baldwin: "Imagined Histories: Craig Baldwin's Mock Up on Mu and the Fabulation of Californian Bohemia" (interview)
- Lindsay Hallam: "'Just Turn Green': Dionysian Nature in Lars von Trier's Antichrist" (essay)
- Patricia Maccormack: "The Occult Witness: Film and Spectatorship Rituals" (essay)
Publishing Information:
- Editor: Jack Sargeant [for this issue]
- Literary Editor: Christina Oakley Harrington
- Art Editor and Publisher: Robert Ansell
- Associate Editor, New York: Pam Grossman
- Copy Editor: Merlin Cox
- Contributions Managament: Livia Filotico
- Content Adniser: Madeleine Ledespencer, Andrew Manns
- Social Media Administrator: Claudia Escalante
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