Beat Scene, Issue 32, n.d. [late Summer 1998?]

Includes a review by Paul McDonald of Calling the Toads: A Burroughs Compendium, edited by Dennis Mahoney, Richard L. Martin, and Ron Whitehead, at page 48. There is also an ad for The Junky's Christmas, presented by Francis Ford Coppola, written and narrated by William S. Burroughs.

Published in Binley Woods, England by Beat Scene Press in approximately late Summer 1998.

This copy acquired from Downtrodden Saints: The Jack Micheline Foundation for the Arts (Tucson, AZ.).

Bibliographic Information: 

  • Not in Shoaf
  • Not in Schottlaender (v4, v5)
  • Raven 19980800BSCE.0.32
Selected Contents: 
  • Kevin Ring: 
    • "First Words" (editorial)
    • review of Gone in October: Last Reflections on Jack Kerouac by John Clellon Holmes
    • review of Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life by Howard Sounes
    • review of Ferlinghetti: Portrait by Christopher Felver
    • review of Walls in the City a film by Jim Sikora
    • review of Neal Cassady, Volume Two 1941-1946 by Tom Christopher
    • review of Bill Evans: How My Heart Sings by Peter Pettinger
    • review of Stone Junction by Jim Dodge
    • review of Murkland by Jordan Green
    • review of Me and Your Sometimes Love Poems by Linda King and Charles Bukowski
    • "Hammond Heroes" (combined review)
    • review of Harry Partch: A Biography by Bob Gilmore
  • Marcus Williamson and Bernard Kops: "Bernard Kops on Kenneth Patchen" (interview)
  • Pauline Reeves: 
    • "Raymond Carver's First Cut Is the Deepest" (essay)
    • "Beats & Co." (news)
    • review of Stephen Crane: Journalism and the Making of Modern American Literature by Michael Robertson
    • review of Man from Babel: Eugene Jolas, An Autobiography edited by Andreas Kramer and Rainer Rumold
    • review of Emerson: The Mind on Fire by Robert D. Richardson Jr.
    • review of At Terror Street and Agony Way by Charles Bukowski
    • review of Renga from The Monkey's Raincoat by Bill Wyatt
    • review of The Iron Book of British Haiku edited by David Cobb and Martin Lucas
    • review of Mystery Disc by Frank Zappa
  • Steve Turner and Al Hinkle: "Al Hinkle: Back on the Road Again" (interview)
  • Todd Bauer: 
    • "The Kerouac Biographies" (essay)
    • review of Subterranean Kerouac: The Hidden Life of Jack Kerouac by Ellis Amburn
  • A. D. Winans: 
    • "Ruth Weiss: The Forgotten Beat" (essay)
    • review of Baby Driver by Jan Kerouac
    • "Jack Micheline: A Chronology" (chronology)
  • Diane Jones and Jan Kerouac: "Kerouac Case Rambles On" (interview)
  • Brother Blue: photograph
  • Gerald Nicosia: photograph
  • Mick Cummano: photograph
  • Allan Balliet and Ken Kesey: "Ken Kesey Goes Further" (interview)
  • Dan Carraco: photograph
  • Allen Balliett: photograph
  • Cecelia Mason and Ken Kesey: "Kesey's Box of Delights" (interview)
  • Jim Burns: 
    • "Ray Bremser: A Beat Angel" (essay)
    • review of Dance of the Infidels: A Portrait of Bud Powell by Francis Paudras
  • Ann Charters: photograph
  • Joan Gannij: photographs
  • Kevin Ring and Joan Gannij: "Notes and Photographs of a Dirty Old Man" (interview)
  • Colin Cross: illustration
  • Howard Sounes: "Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life" (biography)
  • Kevin Ring and Howard Sounes: "Chrles Bukowski: One for the Shoe Shine Man" (interview)
  • Todd Bauer and Ellis Amburn: "Subterranean Jack Kerouac" (interview)
  • Paul McDonald: review of Calling the Toads: A Burroughs Compendium edited by Dennis Mahoney, Richard L. Martin and Ron Whitehead
  • Colin Cooper: 
    • review of Pussycat Fever by Kathy Acker
    • review of The Residual Years: Poems 1934-1948 by William Everson
    • review of Mexico City Blues by Jack Kerouac
    • review of West Coast Jazz: Modern Jazz in California 1945-1960 by Ted Gioia
    • "King Mob Takes the Acid Test" (combined review)
  • Sophia Nitrate: 
    • review of Chump Change by Dan Fante
    • review of 40th Century Man: Selected Verse 1966-1996 by Andy Clausen
    • review of Satan's Slaves by Richard Allen
  • Brian Dalton: 
    • review of Fup by Jim Dodge
    • review of Beaver Dam Rocking Chair Marathon by Ron Whitehead
    • review of The Life and Death of Andy Warhol by Victor Bockris
  • Christopher Felver: photograph
  • Michael Horovita: review of A Life in Pieces: Reflections on Alexander Trocchi edited by Allan Campbell and Tim Neil
  • Dawn Swoop: 
    • review of Dinners and Nightmares by Diane di Prima
    • "Atlantic Celebrates" (essay)
    • review of Here We Are Again by Country Joe and the Fish
  • David Kearns: 
    • review of The Small Press Guide 1999
    • review of Period Pieces by Peggy Singer
Publishing Information: 
  • Editor: Kevin Ring
  • Jazz Editor: Jim Burns
  • American Correspondent: Todd Bauer
  • Research & News: Pauline Reeves


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